Saturday, January 21, 2017

Standardized Testing

Are you considering standardized testing for your homeschooler? Although standardized testing is NOT a requirement when you homeschool under the SC Third Option Homeschool Law, many families still choose to use standardized testing in their homeschools.

Standardized tests allow parents to compare their child's progress to other students and determine the grade level of their work. Standardized tests are objective, and a student's progress can be measured over the years.  Testing also holds the parent accountable for what they teach their child each year and can keep the knowledge learned similar to public school peers.

However, many people argue that standardized tests do not show a child's true intelligence. The test will not show their creativity and other skills beyond the basic subject areas of the test. Some students do not test well, and testing may cause anxiety. Many people argue that the test only measures the student's performance on that particular day and outside factors could influence how well the student does.

If you choose to use standardized testing in your homeschool, you may want to consider the following options:

Classical Conversations (onsite or online):

ABeka (offers online testing):

Bob Jones:

CAT through Academic Excellence (parents can administer at home):

Homeschool Testing Services:

HSLDA has a list of testing options for homeschoolers:

Another option to consider rather than standardized testing is placement tests. The link below lists companies that offer free placement tests for their curriculum. Administering these to your students may help you determine grade level and ability.

Sonlight placement tests (Free):

As a homeschooler, you have lots of options in how you choose to educate your child. Standardized testing may be a good choice for some families but a poor choice for others. Choosing to administer a standardized test is a personal decision for each homeschool family. Whatever you choose, remember that standardized testing is NOT a requirement of a SC Third Option Homeschooler.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Why Your Homeschool May NOT Be Working

When homeschooling, it is extremely important to have a vision statement and goals. If you know why you are homeschooling and what your goals are, you are more likely to be able to choose appropriate curriculums and teach your children in a manner that provides success.

A homeschool family that just homeschools day by day may find themselves struggling and falling prey to curriculum jumping and the feeling that they aren't successfully homeschooling. On the other hand, a homeschool family who knows why they are homeschooling and knows what their goals are will be more likely to stick with homeschooling and be successful.

Ask yourself the following questions when making your vision statement and goals for each year:

  • Why am I homeschooling?
  • What is my goal as a homeschool family?
  • What is my educational philosophy?
  • What is my child’s learning style?
  • Do I plan to put my child in public or private school in the future?
  • Do I want my child to go to a 4-year college? Tech school? Or straight to work after graduation?
  • How much money do I want to spend on educational products each year?
  • What fun things can I plan?
  • Are there any field trips I want to take this year?
  • Are Co-ops right for my family?
  • What are my long-term goals?
  • What are my short-term goals?
  • What spiritual and/or character building goals do I have?
  • What life skills do I want my child to learn?

Once you know your goals and vision, you can map out a homeschool journey that lines up with your homeschool’s purpose. Once you have your plan, refer back to it often and make sure your homeschool is not getting off track.

If you haven't already, take a moment to figure out the vision for your homeschool. Then, make sure you visit your vision throughout the year to make sure you are keeping your homeschool on the right track.